Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Kazekistan Takes Over

The town was gone. The nuclear bomb hit last fall. Kazekistan took over. Brandon Johnson is now the leader of North America. People are fleeing up the mountain to get away from the war zone. Up the mountain, there is a secret  hideout for the Americans.  Tomorrow, at the meeting of congress, we will kill Brandon Johnson and take back our land.

All of a sudden, a Kazekistan plane flew above dropping armed men. Then men were Kazekistian soldiers. They surrounded us. Now Kazekistan is going to take over, because we were the last hope for America. I'm turning myself in.

If you find this journal, please kill Brandon Johnson.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Lost with no Memories

Ow.... my head (two hours later once what's his name calmed down I really don't think you want to sit through two full hours of…...ahhh!! I don't know who I am, but for some reason I have over and over again). Ok, I have no idea who I am or where I am. I can remember basic things, but not anything of my personal life. I think I'm in a desert. I've obviously been out here for quite some time as I'm second degree burned on my legs and arms. For some reason I have a taser. Oh wait! I can check my pockets for a wallet which might have an ID in it.... ok, I didn't find an ID, but,  I did find a  pistol attached to my belt. Apparently in my past I injured my leg pretty badly because I appear to be walking with a limp.

(Washington D.C.)
     “General Smith,  we have no idea where he is.”
     “You've checked his apartment?"
     “Yes, sir, there was evidence he hadn't been there for a week and all of his gear was missing, but there is some bad news".
     “Well, don't just sit there spit it out.”
     “There was blood that did not belong to him.”
     “Well, do we know whose blood it is?”
     “The tests are being done as we speak.”

 I see a small town about four or five miles away. Hopefully I will make it there before nightfall. What the heck! A knife stained in blood just fell out of my back pocket! The only reason I noticed at all is because I tripped over a rock and the object came flying out and sliced my back. From what I can tell from the wound the knife sliced pretty deep. I need to get to that town fast.

     “Sir, the blood results came back it’s partially his and the other half is someone else. They think he was defending himself.
     “I want to be notified if a body is found in the general area.”

 (Somewhere in the Sahara desert)
I've made it to the town before nightfall. It appears to be a ghost town and as far as I can tell no one has been here for a few decades. There's a mine in the distance. You know the kind of mine that they mined for gold. I will be sure to avoid that. I need to find bandages. Would a saloon have bandages? Creak
Man this floor is very rickety. Crack Oh no! OW REALLY MY HEAD AGAIN. As I fell, I slowly realized that this is basically a bottomless pit except it's not because I can see the end.

      “Sir, our satellites just found someone entering Area 51.”
     “We don't know he just appeared. As if he teleported there.”
     “Where is he now?”
      “He has entered one of the hangers.”
     “Which Hanger? What hanger?”
     “We can't tell. All we can make out is a 3 but, we do know from the cameras that it was the hanger with the prototype ship and sir, his shirt was drenched on his back in blood.”
     “Get a strike force mobilized in 20. We’re going back to 51.”

                                 Continue reading for a glimpse at  part 2

Within 20 seconds, I came from a desert and now I’m in what appears to be a military base.

Cooked Cow Song

Hamburger hamburger
put some lettuce and cheese
 don't forget the meat or beef pretty please
 add some onions and some tomato
and don't forget to fry those potatoes 🍟
every now and then o and there is one sound inside my head just saying
you better get that hamburger

A Rocks Eye View

It was a nice day outside
People walking side by side.

But everyone had a phone in their hand
And no one stopped to enjoy the land.

No one ever liked to talk
All they ever did was walk.

With phones in their hands and headphones on their ears
Made all of us rocks fall into tears.

Trees have feelings

It began one warm almost summer day. The wind carried the smell of redolent pine as it flew through the tree limbs. Little did I know that I was close to the end that one daunting day.

It began with the voices of little kids, this wasn't abnormal there was always hikers. As the voices grew louder, I felt more and more apprehensive until the voices stopped. I was beyond confused, so I looked around and saw nothing, then looked down only to see the horror they had decided to climb me! As the kids carelessly stomped and hung from my limbs. All I felt was pain as my limbs bent under their weight. I couldn't bare it any longer and as the first loud snap rang through me, I looked to see the horror of sap covering their hands as they laughed and their faces concealed evil joy. As more of my limbs broke, they slammed into the ground as I felt immense pain. And when I thought to myself, “It can't get any worse”, it did.

The kids reached the top! I only heard the adults yelling for their kids to get down. They obeyed their parents and my only thought was, "It was finally over." I couldn't have been more wrong in my life; all I heard was "kids back up" then thwack. I was being attacked with an ax the man was chopping at my legs!
Many adult trees tell their young "that if they misbehave the frightening man will chop them down and they'll never be heard from again". As I fell to the ground, the intense pain was too much to handle. I was then tied down to a car and only could think of the terrible things to come. We then sped up away from the forest further and further. We stopped! Why? What is going to happen? I was then brought into a warm inviting home.

They set me up in the corner of the room and the kids yelled "Can we decorate it?" The adults had replied, “yes”. I had no Idea of what was to come: they had boxes of sharp hooks attached to spherical shapes. They hung them from me! So many spheres, so much weight. It was too much! Later that night when I thought only the torture was to come then they had put boxes under me. Why? Were they traps so if I tried to escape? Three days later my torture was over. The spheres went back into the box. And the kids joyous and intense days slowly dwindled. I then was brought outside only to see the frightening ax once more. The man had chopped me into small bits only to leave me outside in the cold for days.

All my bits were then brought inside and were set in a metal box. The man walked away to grab a stick with a red end. He rubbed it on a small box then the bright light it was so pretty. As I was being distracted the kids had placed newspaper below me. The man had placed the bright light below me. The intensity of the heat was awful! I was soon burning! I felt the pain as my skin burned away and fell in burning heaps of ash. The immense pain as they all sat around me to watch me burn while joyous evil covered their faces. Dark, so dark. It was the end.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Road Signs

Life is a highway that goes around the world
From the start you go with very few that travel the entire ride with you
Along the way you meet others that stand by you for a moment
But before you can think twice they're gone
A little while down the road you start to see signs
Signs telling you where to go
You read every single one of them
But you only take the exit to go to one
That doesn't mean you cant turn around
Once you've decided where to go
You follow the road
By this point you may have to stop and get gas
Because you cant do one thing forever
You will need a break
But sooner than later you keep going
And you get to your destination
Realizing you left your money at home
But those people that stuck through it will be there for you
You get inside and you know exactly what to do

What do I do!?

I'm in a conundrum!
People want this
And that
Then this
But I don't want
Any of that
Not one bit
So I just sand then sit
While you're thrown a fit
So I flip you the bird
Like I'm cookin' chicken
With a spatula
Yah I'm flippin'!
So help?

Friday, March 3, 2017

The bay in Maine

The open sea,
 sea is where
the ocean breeze dances
around the bay of Portland all day
tourist flock
the ocean breeze
dance around the Portland bay
all day

tourists (and seagulls) flock
to glimpse the blue
or taste the sea’s fruit
of the mouth, of the mighty beast, our ocean

where the squid slide through the salty sea
and where fish draw to the food thrown by the visitors
and where my family’s from,
in Maine.


As she sits
She sits alone
She waits for the one
The one and only
The one who will help her
But she wonders will he come?


Genus even toed mammals are cool and really tall.
In their lives their average height
Ranges from 16-20 for males but the
verage height for full grown
female giraffes is 15ft. When feeling threatened or intimidated they
fight for territory or females
Eventually one wins or both give up.
Serious damage could be done but just look at baby giraffes, that could be fun.


Patriots running onto the field
All the fans screaming.
Touch down patriots.
Running down the field
I was so excited.
Other sideline in disappointment
Touch down for the third time.
Screaming crowds rush onto the field.


My sisters middle name is rose. Every time I see a rose it reminds me of her. The smell of her is just like a rose, but sometimes the mean side of her comes out. The thorns on the rose are not noticeable unless you pick them up. She is one of a kind and she is my sister. Her and I have a great time together on family vocations unlike other siblings.

As soon as I bloom, I become red.

Kazekistan today vol 3.

    As of today, all able bodied Kazekistanese citizens are now required to serve up to a year in the military. The new law was implemented into the constitution as part of Kazekistan's military modernization program. Military occupations such as the KSFU(Kazekistanese special forces unit) are career positions.

      Shortly after president Johnson's speech this week. Revolutionary leader, Kirianna McNerny was apprehended and detained by The KSFU. President Johnson will be speaking on all Kazekistanese news network tomorrow to release new information to the public.

       Next Monday and every Monday after that there will be a test for the new emergency alert system. This alert system will be used in the event of a severe thunderstorm, tornado, severe snow storm, nuclear attack, and ground attack.

       In other news, the colony of balsam, which has been re-taken by Kazekistan, will now be used to import food to Kazekistan. Bread, dairy, and vegetables, are being produced and sold
there, and will help grow Kazekistan's economy.

       Thank you for reading Kazekistan today. THE VOICE OF TRUTH. Next time we will discuss
plans for Balsam.


Broken on the floor

Crumpled in a ball

Tear stained cheeks

Hurt from the fall

Pained from the actions

Presented without care

Tortured by thoughts

Struck with a stare

Confused with the truth

Hurt by the lies

Now seeing the stone

In those green eyes

Torn from hatred

Patched with the numb

Though the feeling of nothing

Only fills some

Feeling scared

Yet somehow peace

The feeling of doubt

Will eventually cease

Falling to the abyss

Darkness and shame

Few will win

Though all play a game

Insecurities appear

Tearing apart

All that was left

Of this broken heart

 The sun will shine

Struggling to seep through

Though after the darkness

Light will renew

Spreading out

Covering all grounds

Darkness will diminish

Though linger around

In the weakest times

Light fights its way through

Although just in a shadow

Darkness is ready too.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Religion and Other Human Eventions

What a selfish ideology, that out of all the animal species in the world humans, who are also animals, are more superior than others. This phenomenon is absolutely ridiculous, to believe that the human race has any more of an impact on earth than a simple fly does. More accurately we have demolished the planet more than any other species. The conclusion that I have pondered for quite some time now is that humans are dense creatures. They tend to hold themselves on a pedestal for creating fundamentally useless systems. We, being intelligent creatures, know that these systems are useless in the war of survival, but yet we seem not to care. I challenge you, reader, to find one useful aspect to survival in trigonometry. I grow weary of this way of thought; my mind is becoming an uninspired waste land molded by humans’ need for superiority. We are all ants on a tiny ant hill planet.

Ants are just ants, humans are just humans.

Safe house

Dark, cold, calm
It was my safe house
My home

I like it cold
It feels nice

It was always calm
But once I walk out

Screaming and yelling
Can be heard
I keep me head down

I can feel it through their look
I'm sorry

That's why
That's why my room is my safe house
My everything

I don't get judged
When I'm sitting on my bed
It's safe

Safe from everything
Safe from the world
Safe from you

Wednesday, March 1, 2017




Power demanded of the people
       The flame of hatred



        Symbol of power
          Symbol of war
      Associated with evil
         Yet meaningful

     All that I hope to be
                                              All that I hope not to be

   A sunset
       Warm campfires
    Rosy cheeks on a cold winter day

  A colour
      My favorite colour

For Them, For Us

America, a symbol for hopeful immigrants. For us, it's a place where most people are discriminated. Where the rich bury the poor in the streets. Where saints sleep on the pavement. While devils sleep in cozy, white beds. Where terrible crimes are committed. Where terrible people thrive. This is not what they think of.

For them it's a place filled with green plains. For us it's place filled with money. For them it's a place they need. For us it's a place built on greed. For them it's a place where they can survive. For us it's a place where people make snide remarks. For them it's a place where they can rest. For us it's a place where some people can't be like the rest of us.

I'll Think About a Title Later

My favorite thing to do
All my homework scaring
Me and saying boo
I just ate
6 o'clock not too late
8 o'clock comes
Still with homework right and left
School day starts with a big red F

Climbing Ladders

Searching for adventure.
Just near me but unobtainable.
The old ladder covered in white flaking paint from the fifties would certainly be an adventure.
However, the razor wire cresting the ladder's peak limits us.
You could skirt the razor wire, however where would this lead anyways?
Adventure is diving into the unknown, however that threatening thought of razor wire limits us.
Why would we allow it to limit us?
It could be bypassed, but you could cut yourself. 
We need to bypass our razor wire to reach the adventure atop the roof.

8th grade a time of turmoil with all of the drama good and bad we take off to high school we were the top dogs of campus no we are back down...