The town was gone. The nuclear bomb hit last fall. Kazekistan took over. Brandon Johnson is now the leader of North America. People are fleeing up the mountain to get away from the war zone. Up the mountain, there is a secret hideout for the Americans. Tomorrow, at the meeting of congress, we will kill Brandon Johnson and take back our land.
All of a sudden, a Kazekistan plane flew above dropping armed men. Then men were Kazekistian soldiers. They surrounded us. Now Kazekistan is going to take over, because we were the last hope for America. I'm turning myself in.
If you find this journal, please kill Brandon Johnson.
This kind of writing is unacceptable, and may be perceived as a threat by the Kazekistani government. We suggest you cease to publish writing of this nature, otherwise consequences may follow.
That was so cool, I loved it. I love how the eighth grade went on and on about this and I'm glad I read it.
I like how this relates to others blogs. There isn't much imagery but I can still imagine the explosion and all the soldiers. Great job!
I like how you described what happened, and how your trying to recruit people to do it for you! Nice Job! but i do agree with Anonymous.
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