He was shot in the head
As zoo-goers said
"He needs some milk!"
The Gorilla was well built
Stood tall like a stilt
And walked with a slight tilt
But now he is dead
Some lead in his head
The kid has gone away
But forever he will stay
In our hearts
R.I.P. Harambe
-Nnif Snave

Why did they have to shoot Harambe. He was saving the baby and keeping it safe. #RIPHarambe
Interesting poem about zookeepers shooting a gorilla and then people get mad and the memes come out and in other places they don't care about a gorilla dying. Also why do people pronounce Harambe Harambee?
What I really like about this post is that you don't overglorify Harrambe. Would it be possible for you to do posts like this for animals/people/objects/plants/anything that is no longer with us, like the Companion Cube from the "Portal" franchise.(2007,2011)
I don't know why harambe was shot, and clearly it was the parents fault, trying to take a selfie while holding her child with one hand. #R.I.P Harambe
Such a good choise of words. What a sad story of how he had to pass.
I really liked this. It's the parents fault I think who lets there kid climb on the part of the wall because they where taking a video or selfie. #RipHarambe
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