Ow.... my head (2 hours later). Ok I have no idea who I am or where I am, but I can remember basic things, but not anything of my personal life. I think I'm in a dessert because I've obviously been out here for quite some time as I'm second degree burned on my legs and arms. For some reason I have a taser. Oh wait I can check my pockets for a wallet witch might have an ID in it.... ok I didn't find an ID but I did find a pistol attached to my belt. Apparently in my past I injured my leg pretty badly because I appear to be walking with a limp. (Washington D.C.) general smith we have no idea where he is. "Have you checked his apartment". Yes sir there was evidence he hadn't been there for a week and all of his gear was missing but their is some bad news". Well don't just sit there spit it out". There was blood that did not belong to him". Well do we know whose blood it is". The tests are being done as we speak. Ok I see a small town about 4 or 5 miles away hopefully I will make it their before nightfall. What the heck . A knife stained in blood just fell out of my back pocket the only reason I noticed at all is because I tripped over a rock and the object came flying out and sliced my back from what I can tell from the wound the knife sliced pretty deep. I need to get to that town fast. Sir the blood results came back its partially his and the other half is some one else they think he was defending himself. I want to be notified if a body is found in the general area. (Somewhere in the Sahara desert) I've made it to the town before nightfall and it appears to be a ghost town and as far as I can tell no one has been hear for a few decades. There's a mine in the distance. You know the kind of mine that they mined for gold. I will be sure to avoid that. I need to find bandages would a saloon have bandages. "Creak" man this floor is very rickety "crack" oh no OW REALLY MY HEAD AGAIN. As I fell I slowly realized that this is basically a bottomless pit except it's not cause I can see the end. Sir our satellites just found someone entering Area 51 WHAT HOW DID SOMEONE GET IN AREA 51? We don't know he just appeared as if he teleported there. Where is he now? He has entered one of the hangers. Which Hanger what hanger. We can't tell all we can make out is a 3 but we do know from the cameras that it was the hanger with the prototype ship. Get a strike force mobilized in 20 were going back to 51.
Continue reading for a glimpse at part 2
Within 20 seconds I came from a desert to a town and now i`m in what appears to be a military base.
I noticed that you used hear instead of here and their instead of there. But other than that good story.
This is really good. I love the whole story line and how they think to theirselves. But I think one thing that you can fix is to watch the punctuation and put quotations at the beginning and ending of every dialogue.
Good read. I will be waiting in anticipation for the conclusion.
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