The broken eyes of the weak.
The stony eyes of the strong.
No matter the effort we put in things,
It always comes out wrong.
The rejection boils within,
Strung to your core.
You're given a chance,
But the rejection can't be ignored.
Middle school rookie writers trying to make sense of chaos at the base of the Rocky Mountains
8th grade a time of turmoil with all of the drama good and bad we take off to high school we were the top dogs of campus no we are back down...
I love the flow of this. This is a really great poem!
Wow loved that sooooooo much. It is perfectly perfect
Wow! Great job! You did a great job on making things rhyme. You are great at writing poems!🙂🙃
This was really good! Wow! I enjoyed it so much!
Ahh! This is fantastic! It made me so happy because of how fabulous the writing was. You my friend, are an amazing poet.
Great word use! It really shows how we are all alike and how we can all relate to each other! Great write!
I love the vocabulary. It was deep.
The vocabulary was great in this! Good job!
I love how everything rymes.
wow! Amazing poem!
Really great 👍 love the flow.
it good poem great job
Oh... wow.
I didn't know something so short could be so impressive and could make you really start to question the strongest people in your life.
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