Monday, May 15, 2017

The School System

The school system. Looking back at school life, I realize I didn't learn anything important. I didn't learn about taxes or mortgages. Columbus, did NOT discover America. He just landed here completely on accident. There were already natives. Schools teach you that he came by and was all happy and friendly. When really he killed everyone and raped them. The government wants us to just learn absolutely nothing because when the time comes we have to pay taxes: we're under their control to depend on them to help us. And then what?

More and more money. In the time of crisis we don't need to measure "C"  or find "X". We need to know how to defend ourselves or pay taxes so we don't lose our houses. The school system sees that and says, "Oh, don't worry just dissect a frog." We need to know how to pay taxes and mortgages, not 'how far can you walk in five minutes at this pace'.

Sure spelling can be pretty good to know, but honestly do we need 12 years of that? Do we need mental math in the real world? Maybe but only for the simple stuff. Technology advances and every second of every day we would have some calculator or the internet. Most kids don't care about learning they just want to pass. Keep teaching them lies don't teach them how to live in the real world. Teachers have the most important job in the world and they're underpaid. Eventually they'll lose motivation. I don't need to know how the cavemen hunted; it's trivial. The only history I find useful is certain subjects I am passionate about. Photography for example, the first photo on record is a view from Le Gras.

But still, when am I going to need that in the real world? I know half the people out there are going to look at me and say "I'm just a kid that doesn't see it the right way", but take a look at yourself as an adult whether working with computers and servers, or out training someone to be better fit at football or basketball. Do you really need to know what year Washington led  his army? Is the Chinese army going to help you pay your taxes? Is the length of "C" going to teach you how to pay rent? Is half of this circle going to help you on how to grow food in the case of a shortage?  I mean sure, there's some spots that could be useful, but is that absolutely crucial in life?


Anonymous said...

I do agree with a lot of this. On the other hand, I think school is very helpful and maybe one day you will actually use it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah again the fact that we have to learn what a variable stands for is pretty useless since we would already know for example how many students are in each bus. It's not like the people counting the students in each bus is just not going to give us the exact amount and lets us to guess. Yeah I have to agree.

Anonymous said...

This is relatable, I don't know about anyone else but when are we going to use pi or anything such as that in our lives, we won't. Good job on this, it was very realistic.

Anonymous said...

Nice job, I can see where you're coming from, and I agree on some aspects of this, but I do think some things you learn in school are helpful. For example if we want to be wise in political situations, we have to know history and how it repeats itself and the consequences certain decisions have caused over time.

Anonymous said...

I agree somewhat. Like how we are never taught that Vikings were the first Europeans in America. However, it's not just like twelve years of learning to spell. It's learning how to utilize our language most efficiently and even other languages. I believe that after 7th grade the only subjects that truly matter are social studies and language arts.

8th grade a time of turmoil with all of the drama good and bad we take off to high school we were the top dogs of campus no we are back down...