Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dead Label

Leighbal laid.
Leighbal stayed, still and afraid
Though dead and gone, his label stayed
Nothing but his label
Unable to dissemble
Felt enable and disabled
He tried to hold on,
Though wasn't stable
He wasn't able
To keep through, to keep strong
Wasn't capable to see what's true, so blue he became
Numb and none to blame
Electrified and petrified.
Outside of him, he stepped though he tried
Label held and so did he
Leighbal blank, distraught was he
Blown one way to the next
No fear or regret
Loose foundation he stood
One good blow—
And down he could go
Lay dead,
His label.

This poem was inspired by the grave. I know, it seems ironic that such a deceased place could bring back such life. But yes. As I walked around, I looked at tomb stones and saw a peculiar one, the name said Leighbal. Like the word label. And I just thought what harm a label could do. What ground it could break. So I tied two and two together and wrote about a man. A man who even though lie dead in his grave, his label lingered with him. The label the world laid with him.


Anonymous said...

I loved the unique rhyming in this. Also the description at the end was pretty neat. The message in this is so deep... how labels can tear you apart and yet how often they're used.

Anonymous said...

Deeeeeeeeeppp! Great job, that was definitely decribtive and amazing to read. Great rhyming!

Anonymous said...

Wow. It is interesting to read the description at the end. The poem was quite intresting as well, you have clearly mastered the skill of using adjectives, keep it up!

8th grade a time of turmoil with all of the drama good and bad we take off to high school we were the top dogs of campus no we are back down...