Middle school rookie writers trying to make sense of chaos at the base of the Rocky Mountains
Monday, May 22, 2017
8th grade a time of turmoil with all of the drama good and bad we take off to high school we were the top dogs of campus no we are back down at the bottom
It was the last week of school. Exciting for some others where sad because we would be leaving the teachers we've gotten to know so well through out the year. I guess I'm writing this to say a last goodbye to the teachers, seeing as how we probably won't se them again during school hours. So this is a good bye for all of the teachers I've had through the year. So goodbye to all of my teachers that have gotten to know me through the year.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
This 8th grade year was awesome. Although I was only here for one year, I couldn't imagine how 6th and 7th grade would have been. Thank you very much.
Private Eye
A call came into the office this Tuesday morning. Calls are not common because in the city of Oeter, there is a trust issue. Police and almost anyone that can be of use are all corrupt. Louis Crowe is a private investigator who made his business in Oeter. But this Tuesday morning, he got his first call ever. Louis picked up the phone and said, " Hello, thank you for calling. This is Louis. How may I help you?". A voice on the opposite side of the phone said, " Listen Louis, pay very close attention. There are mysteries in this city that have yet to be discovered." Louis had no idea who was calling, he didn't know what to do but ask him, " I'm sorry, Who is this?"
The man answered. "I'll asked the questions around here! You are a private investigator but no one will pay you for your services. I will fund you $2,000 a month if you do as I say. I will lead you on a path to find the mysteries that this city has to offer. The first mystery is located at the library on Wall Street. The $2,000 dollars is located underneath your car's hood." Louis had to ask two more question "What if I take the money and run?, And what is your name?" The man answered. " Trust me Louis, your curiosity will get the best of you. And call me Wells for now. Good day, Louis."
The man answered. "I'll asked the questions around here! You are a private investigator but no one will pay you for your services. I will fund you $2,000 a month if you do as I say. I will lead you on a path to find the mysteries that this city has to offer. The first mystery is located at the library on Wall Street. The $2,000 dollars is located underneath your car's hood." Louis had to ask two more question "What if I take the money and run?, And what is your name?" The man answered. " Trust me Louis, your curiosity will get the best of you. And call me Wells for now. Good day, Louis."
When tasked with writing about my middleschool experience, I first believed there was nothing to write about because middleschool was simply a horrible experience. But then I realized, there is
something important through these troubling times, all those who helped me through them. This might be my friends: Finn, Gavin, Jack. But they're not the only ones, so many others whether students or teachers have made my middleschool experience at least survivable if not enjoyable. To all of these of these friends, I can simply say: thank you.
something important through these troubling times, all those who helped me through them. This might be my friends: Finn, Gavin, Jack. But they're not the only ones, so many others whether students or teachers have made my middleschool experience at least survivable if not enjoyable. To all of these of these friends, I can simply say: thank you.
Hidden Mask
You see him laughing,
you see him smiling,
you see him happy.
But he wears a hidden mask.
You see him laughing with others,
but they're not his friends.
You see him fit in,
but he fits out.
You see that he's comfortable,
but he's not...
Because he wears a hidden mask.
He wears a hidden mask to blend in with the others,
to feel the same,
to look the same,
to be the same.
but he's not the same...
He's different...
And he doesn't like the feeling.
He hates being different.
And he was done being different...
So he wears the hidden mask...
He hides his true-self,
he denies being different,
he refuses to be different...
The broken eyes of the weak.
The stony eyes of the strong.
No matter the effort we put in things,
It always comes out wrong.
The rejection boils within,
Strung to your core.
You're given a chance,
But the rejection can't be ignored.
The stony eyes of the strong.
No matter the effort we put in things,
It always comes out wrong.
The rejection boils within,
Strung to your core.
You're given a chance,
But the rejection can't be ignored.
Smiles and Tears
By day she smiled through all the pain, but when night came around, she was unrecognizable. She cut, she starved herself, and many more things no one wants to see or hear. She calls out for help, but no one comes. At least until she realizes that help isn’t so far. But before you read this, I must warn you there are going to be quite a few trigger warnings. So read if you dare… I guess.
Streaming Down Like A River
The pain returned. Not like it ever went away, for some reason, it seemed to get worse at night. I was alone at night, no one to talk to. Maybe all of the fake smiling did make the pain fade away? …Not likely. Sure, at home I had my parents… if they even cared about me anymore. I just feel like a waste of money, time, and effort to them. I felt useless, a burden. Just in everyone’s way. I’m lost. Alone. Maybe even dead. I just want to know when it will end. I just want to die already and wish the best for the next generation.
I went into the bathroom, shut and locked the door behind me, took the scissors out of a cabinet and started to tear it across the skin of my wrist repeatedly. It hurt, no doubt. But that’s why I loved it. I was slowly getting closer to dying. Little by little. I will get there, even if it’s slow and painful, I will get there. To end these cuts, to end the starving, and to end the pain I’ve been hiding for so long. Though tears were streaming down my face from all the internal and external pain, I was still smiling. I was almost gone.
Not to be remembered except by the rivers I cried.
Helpless Help
I didn’t sleep that night. I just stayed awake, lying on the bathroom floor. It was cold, but soon turned warm as my blood stained it, ruining the perfect, clean white color. I sat up, not knowing when my parents would wake me up to get me ready for school. I quickly grabbed a long piece of toilet paper and wiped up as much of the blood as I could, not wanting my parents to know what I’ve been doing.
Afterwards, I cleaned off the pair of scissors I used the night before and put them back where they were before. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot with bags under them from the lack of sleep. My hair was a mess, I hadn’t brushed it in a week, it was only getting worse from all the bloodstains and lying on the floor.
I opened my mouth, and decided to brush my teeth, something I hadn’t done in two weeks. As soon as I started, my gums started to bleed, leading to more pain. As much as I enjoyed it, seeing my own blood and feeling the pain, I should probably stop, I don’t want my parents to see that I’m not up to date with my ‘personal hygiene’. Because apparently my looks are more important than if I’m alive or not. Whatever. Let’s just see what they do when I’m DEAD. I hope they realize what a mistake they made. Creating me, and not even taking proper care of me! Just thinking of it filled me with rage. But I decided to forget about it… for now.
I inspected the bathroom, checking for any signs they’d find out what I’ve been doing. Sighing of relief, I rolled my sleeves back down, hiding that, too. I unlocked the door and opened it, followed by me walking out. I turned to the direction of my room, ready to just move on with my day. I almost did, too. Until I saw my mom blocking the way to the door. She grabbed my sleeve, making me worried she would pull it up to reveal the secret I’ve been hiding for so long. But instead, she pulled me in the opposite direction, where the living room was. My mom practically threw me into the couch seat, followed by her and my dad sitting in the one across from me. I was completely ready to make up lies for the blood and tears in the bathroom. So I waited for one of them to start asking questions.
“So, um, I’ve noticed that you haven’t eaten in awhile, are you feeling okay?” My dad asked me. I almost wanted to laugh in his face. After everything I’ve gone through, he’s worried about me eating? I hoped that my mother would care a little more than him.
“You’ve got me and your father worried, are you sick? Or is there something you want to talk about?” She continued. I shook my head, not thinking either of them were ready to hear the truth.
“Alright, if you insist… but if you need to talk to any of us, we’ll always be here for you.” My mother added. I nodded, but inside, I wanted to tell her how wrong she was. They didn’t care, why would they? I’m the biggest mistake of their life. I discarded the thought and started to walk out of the living room. Their idea of help was useless. It was all just helpless help.
No One Really Cares
I went to my room again, except this time, no one stopped me. I got dressed into the first clean outfit I grabbed and spent a minute looking into a mirror. I glared at my reflection and scoffed, as if it would get offended.
I continued to think of things to do to pass the time and make my parents think I was actually doing what I was supposed to. I went into the bathroom and inspected the scissors once again. They almost looked spotless, I smiled, almost genuinely. I was getting away with this.
It pleased me to know that no one would know what happened. No one would be able to tell my story and spread it to the world. No one would ever understand why I would constantly hurt myself. No one knows how much pain I’m in, neither will they. I looked into the bathroom mirror and inspected my hair, it was a complete rat’s nest, which was currently long enough to reach my elbows. I pulled back my hair as if I was going to pull it into a ponytail, but instead, I picked up the scissors and cut most of it off, now not even long enough to reach my shoulders. I put on one of my very few hats to hide the top of my head. Now no one would talk about how messy my hair is.
Not like I cared, I just didn't like people talking to me, for either good or bad reasons. I left the bathroom and put on gloves, even though it wasn't remotely cold outside, some of the bloodstains would travel to my hands… and I obviously don’t want people to see that.
I completely hide everything about myself, but this isn't anything new. It all started so many years ago. I can barely remember the details of it, but the feelings were crystal clear. I just wanted to die that day.
It all started in third grade, sure, nothing really bad happens in third grade, but it was worse than what most little elementary students are willing to handle. The bullies told me everything bad about myself. From the way I sneezed to how I looked and acted. They told me I was stupid, ugly, annoying, selfish, and helpless. They had completely destroyed all of the ego I had built up… was gone. It would take countless years to get it all back.
But once I got home from school that day, I didn't eat or sleep. Then I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom’s butter knife on the counter, I was curious, so I picked it up and slowly pulled it across the skin of my upper arm. Then I remembered how people in the movies would cut their wrist instead. I did it again and again. My blood rapidly dripped onto the carpet. I didn't even notice the pain. I just wanted it to keep coming. For the blood to continue dripping, for the pain to keep coming, for the life of me to end quicker. I just wanted all their cruel words to end with me.
But before that could happen, I had numerous flashbacks of me enjoying my life with the very few friends I still had. I wasn't ready to give it up just yet. I put the butter knife away after cleaning it. I took a paper towel, got it wet, and started to clean my cuts. I thought maybe I should give life a second chance. Just maybe. But the disappointments came back, the tears continued to fall, and the blood would start to be revealed and drip once again. The pain never went away, it would just hide and come back, because deep down in my heart, I knew that no one really cared.
Streaming Down Like A River
The pain returned. Not like it ever went away, for some reason, it seemed to get worse at night. I was alone at night, no one to talk to. Maybe all of the fake smiling did make the pain fade away? …Not likely. Sure, at home I had my parents… if they even cared about me anymore. I just feel like a waste of money, time, and effort to them. I felt useless, a burden. Just in everyone’s way. I’m lost. Alone. Maybe even dead. I just want to know when it will end. I just want to die already and wish the best for the next generation.
I went into the bathroom, shut and locked the door behind me, took the scissors out of a cabinet and started to tear it across the skin of my wrist repeatedly. It hurt, no doubt. But that’s why I loved it. I was slowly getting closer to dying. Little by little. I will get there, even if it’s slow and painful, I will get there. To end these cuts, to end the starving, and to end the pain I’ve been hiding for so long. Though tears were streaming down my face from all the internal and external pain, I was still smiling. I was almost gone.
Not to be remembered except by the rivers I cried.
Helpless Help
I didn’t sleep that night. I just stayed awake, lying on the bathroom floor. It was cold, but soon turned warm as my blood stained it, ruining the perfect, clean white color. I sat up, not knowing when my parents would wake me up to get me ready for school. I quickly grabbed a long piece of toilet paper and wiped up as much of the blood as I could, not wanting my parents to know what I’ve been doing.
Afterwards, I cleaned off the pair of scissors I used the night before and put them back where they were before. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot with bags under them from the lack of sleep. My hair was a mess, I hadn’t brushed it in a week, it was only getting worse from all the bloodstains and lying on the floor.
I opened my mouth, and decided to brush my teeth, something I hadn’t done in two weeks. As soon as I started, my gums started to bleed, leading to more pain. As much as I enjoyed it, seeing my own blood and feeling the pain, I should probably stop, I don’t want my parents to see that I’m not up to date with my ‘personal hygiene’. Because apparently my looks are more important than if I’m alive or not. Whatever. Let’s just see what they do when I’m DEAD. I hope they realize what a mistake they made. Creating me, and not even taking proper care of me! Just thinking of it filled me with rage. But I decided to forget about it… for now.
I inspected the bathroom, checking for any signs they’d find out what I’ve been doing. Sighing of relief, I rolled my sleeves back down, hiding that, too. I unlocked the door and opened it, followed by me walking out. I turned to the direction of my room, ready to just move on with my day. I almost did, too. Until I saw my mom blocking the way to the door. She grabbed my sleeve, making me worried she would pull it up to reveal the secret I’ve been hiding for so long. But instead, she pulled me in the opposite direction, where the living room was. My mom practically threw me into the couch seat, followed by her and my dad sitting in the one across from me. I was completely ready to make up lies for the blood and tears in the bathroom. So I waited for one of them to start asking questions.
“So, um, I’ve noticed that you haven’t eaten in awhile, are you feeling okay?” My dad asked me. I almost wanted to laugh in his face. After everything I’ve gone through, he’s worried about me eating? I hoped that my mother would care a little more than him.
“You’ve got me and your father worried, are you sick? Or is there something you want to talk about?” She continued. I shook my head, not thinking either of them were ready to hear the truth.
“Alright, if you insist… but if you need to talk to any of us, we’ll always be here for you.” My mother added. I nodded, but inside, I wanted to tell her how wrong she was. They didn’t care, why would they? I’m the biggest mistake of their life. I discarded the thought and started to walk out of the living room. Their idea of help was useless. It was all just helpless help.
No One Really Cares
I went to my room again, except this time, no one stopped me. I got dressed into the first clean outfit I grabbed and spent a minute looking into a mirror. I glared at my reflection and scoffed, as if it would get offended.
I continued to think of things to do to pass the time and make my parents think I was actually doing what I was supposed to. I went into the bathroom and inspected the scissors once again. They almost looked spotless, I smiled, almost genuinely. I was getting away with this.
It pleased me to know that no one would know what happened. No one would be able to tell my story and spread it to the world. No one would ever understand why I would constantly hurt myself. No one knows how much pain I’m in, neither will they. I looked into the bathroom mirror and inspected my hair, it was a complete rat’s nest, which was currently long enough to reach my elbows. I pulled back my hair as if I was going to pull it into a ponytail, but instead, I picked up the scissors and cut most of it off, now not even long enough to reach my shoulders. I put on one of my very few hats to hide the top of my head. Now no one would talk about how messy my hair is.
Not like I cared, I just didn't like people talking to me, for either good or bad reasons. I left the bathroom and put on gloves, even though it wasn't remotely cold outside, some of the bloodstains would travel to my hands… and I obviously don’t want people to see that.
I completely hide everything about myself, but this isn't anything new. It all started so many years ago. I can barely remember the details of it, but the feelings were crystal clear. I just wanted to die that day.
It all started in third grade, sure, nothing really bad happens in third grade, but it was worse than what most little elementary students are willing to handle. The bullies told me everything bad about myself. From the way I sneezed to how I looked and acted. They told me I was stupid, ugly, annoying, selfish, and helpless. They had completely destroyed all of the ego I had built up… was gone. It would take countless years to get it all back.
But once I got home from school that day, I didn't eat or sleep. Then I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom’s butter knife on the counter, I was curious, so I picked it up and slowly pulled it across the skin of my upper arm. Then I remembered how people in the movies would cut their wrist instead. I did it again and again. My blood rapidly dripped onto the carpet. I didn't even notice the pain. I just wanted it to keep coming. For the blood to continue dripping, for the pain to keep coming, for the life of me to end quicker. I just wanted all their cruel words to end with me.
But before that could happen, I had numerous flashbacks of me enjoying my life with the very few friends I still had. I wasn't ready to give it up just yet. I put the butter knife away after cleaning it. I took a paper towel, got it wet, and started to clean my cuts. I thought maybe I should give life a second chance. Just maybe. But the disappointments came back, the tears continued to fall, and the blood would start to be revealed and drip once again. The pain never went away, it would just hide and come back, because deep down in my heart, I knew that no one really cared.
"Mama?" Carrie suspiciously asked as her hands shook the planchette as it had finished spelling MAMA it was only Carrie and Josh's hand on the planchette and Jerry, Lena, and Cassidy was in the abandoned house on 5th street that was coverd in graffiti on that late Thursday night. Jerry cowardly asked lena to search up if Mama was a person that died here or is it trying to tell them something but Lena's phone glitched then died. Lena just zoned out on one spot on the ceiling that was weirdly just a white blank space.
As Carrie was terrified and wanted to take her trembling hands off the planchette and go home butwas paralyzed in fright "you guys i dont know about this anymore!" Carrie said desperately "that all phones glitch and it was just a weird coincidence" Josh said trying to calm carrie down. Carrie and Cassidy switched off so Cassidy was now playing with the ouiji board.
Josh and Cassidy have been asking random questions for fifteen minutes now and no response or anything weird in the house until Lena's phone beeped. As Lena looked at phone her eyes widened as Lena drops her phone out of fright and on the floor Josh sees what has him shook as he reads out loud " One possibility is a demon that is associated with the entity known as Zozo. There are three demons associated with Zozo, one of which is called Mama." when Josh finished reading that the planchette moved rapidly to the Z then O then repeated once more.
Carrie was shocked and was just about to cry when she was struck with a brick and her head gushed with blood and on her face were three scratches.
Lena screaming trying to help her best friend suddenly just stoped and glared at the celing and on the old blank spot was the numbers 6 6 6.
To be continued......................
As Carrie was terrified and wanted to take her trembling hands off the planchette and go home butwas paralyzed in fright "you guys i dont know about this anymore!" Carrie said desperately "that all phones glitch and it was just a weird coincidence" Josh said trying to calm carrie down. Carrie and Cassidy switched off so Cassidy was now playing with the ouiji board.
Josh and Cassidy have been asking random questions for fifteen minutes now and no response or anything weird in the house until Lena's phone beeped. As Lena looked at phone her eyes widened as Lena drops her phone out of fright and on the floor Josh sees what has him shook as he reads out loud " One possibility is a demon that is associated with the entity known as Zozo. There are three demons associated with Zozo, one of which is called Mama." when Josh finished reading that the planchette moved rapidly to the Z then O then repeated once more.
Carrie was shocked and was just about to cry when she was struck with a brick and her head gushed with blood and on her face were three scratches.
Lena screaming trying to help her best friend suddenly just stoped and glared at the celing and on the old blank spot was the numbers 6 6 6.
To be continued......................
Graduation post
Middle school is like drowning for some people. You can try and fight to the surface (i.e. graduation) and do the best you can do till you end up reaching the surface and pull yourself out of the water. Your other choice is to give up and get bad grades until you don't pass any classes and drown and repeat. I, just like all the others around me, chose to fight against the force pulling me down.
The Sun King
The Sun King was a hero to humanity
For giving warmth
But he was not a king
But rather a minority
Among his brothers and sisters
He was small
Compared to Betelgeuse, his largest sibling
He was was just a pin needle
But the Sun King was the one who gave life
That One Graduation Speech
With all us 8th graders graduating soon I have been reflecting my past years in middle school. Throughout the past years I, as a person, have grown a lot. I remember how back in 6th grade I was an emo figure who replaced their soul with anime. Now I tend to be a more open person, and talkative at that. Ever since I have attended school here in Manitou, I have been less shy and quiet then in Hays. Or should I say, IN HAYS.
So let's toast to growing as a person and leaving middle school behind! Or don't, I can't force you.
So let's toast to growing as a person and leaving middle school behind! Or don't, I can't force you.
Graveyard Without Graves
As I sit on this small mound like hill thing, I remember my time before Colorado. Us three would play in a graveyard set up on a hill. A graveyard with no graves, no tombstones. but still beneath us lie dead bodies of cowboys from the past. We always talked about digging them up but yet we never did. We played in the forest by the graveyard, where we would become forest creatures and live in the trees. We would collect berries and fruits to bake into pies. And sell them at the market held at the benches in the graveyard. Sometimes other creatures would come to visit. Sometimes a man with a gun would chase us down through the forest. In the end though, he became our friend. Then night would fall and we would climb on the memorial of stone and hold meetings for the forest. Fireflies would come out and we would catch them only to let them go. Then we would hear our parents calling, and you would drive home while my brother and I would head inside.
Kazekistani presidential address
Friends, acquaintances, classmates, and my fellow Kazekistanese citizens. Today marks my 4th week as president of the greatest nation the world has ever seen. And, in spite of the recent conflict in the colony of Balsam, this country is as prosperous as it has ever been. Right now Kazekistan is growing at speeds never before seen by any country in over a hundred years . New colonies are being established every week. Just two weeks ago the colony of Ponderosa was established, which opens up a world of new possibilities. Ponderosa has brought us our first waterway, which opens up the possibility for a navy. New products are being produced there that will provide an new revenue stream for Kazekistan, And that's just the beginning. In the next few years I hope to expand the borders of Kazekistan tenfold. From here on out, Kazekistan will continue growing.
We plan on using this new revenue stream to grow and modernize our military. Right now Kazekistanese soldiers are well equipped and well trained, and are capable of dealing with
any disturbances of peace caused by any group or country. APC vehicles are being developed as well as an Air Force, and navy. And that is just one more area that has seen immense growth over these last few weeks.
But, with growth also comes decline. During these last four weeks Kazekistan has seen a monumental decline in poverty, crime, and unemployment amongst it's citizens. 100% of the population has a roof over their heads. 100% of the population is without any sort of criminal record. 100% of the population plays a meaningful role in our society. The same cannot be said for any other country.
But unfortunately problems cannot be avoided no matter how well we're doing. As many of you know, soldiers are fighting and dying in the colony of Balsam, all because Kirianna McNerny And her rebels aren't content with what we have provided them. Right now they kill our soldiers, and brand us as cruel, and portray the government as unfair, or fascist. After all we have done for them they want to abandon us. If we allowed the colony to secede ask yourself what would happen to all the the other colonies. They would think that they were allowed to just leave too.
That being said, I will try as best I can, and with everything I've got, to end this conflict, and to return our sons and daughters to their desires. I know the enemy will be persistent. And I know that they take any victory they can wrap their fingers around. That is why we must ensure that they do not have any such pleasure.
In spite of that Kazekistan can only grow further, and I see nothing other than progress in the future.
We plan on using this new revenue stream to grow and modernize our military. Right now Kazekistanese soldiers are well equipped and well trained, and are capable of dealing with
any disturbances of peace caused by any group or country. APC vehicles are being developed as well as an Air Force, and navy. And that is just one more area that has seen immense growth over these last few weeks.
But, with growth also comes decline. During these last four weeks Kazekistan has seen a monumental decline in poverty, crime, and unemployment amongst it's citizens. 100% of the population has a roof over their heads. 100% of the population is without any sort of criminal record. 100% of the population plays a meaningful role in our society. The same cannot be said for any other country.
But unfortunately problems cannot be avoided no matter how well we're doing. As many of you know, soldiers are fighting and dying in the colony of Balsam, all because Kirianna McNerny And her rebels aren't content with what we have provided them. Right now they kill our soldiers, and brand us as cruel, and portray the government as unfair, or fascist. After all we have done for them they want to abandon us. If we allowed the colony to secede ask yourself what would happen to all the the other colonies. They would think that they were allowed to just leave too.
That being said, I will try as best I can, and with everything I've got, to end this conflict, and to return our sons and daughters to their desires. I know the enemy will be persistent. And I know that they take any victory they can wrap their fingers around. That is why we must ensure that they do not have any such pleasure.
In spite of that Kazekistan can only grow further, and I see nothing other than progress in the future.
Shoes have feelings
It began one day with the merging of materials and suddenly, poof! I was born. I was then wrapped in paper and put in a box. I only thought was I was being left to die all alone. I started to move faster and faster every second. I could only hear the honking of car horns. This went on for hours until it abruptly came to a stop. I then started moving again but heard only people and the ocean. I was then placed into a metal crate with others like me, then hoisted into the air and onto what I could only assume to be a boat. Weeks passed in that crate just waiting for something to happen. Than once more I was placed into a truck and hauled off somewhere. Several hours later the truck stopped and people unloaded others and myself out of the truck onto shelves. Here, they opened my box and removed the paper and walked away to do the same to others. It was dark out and so I decided to sleep.
The next morning the place flooded with adults and kids all wanting to poke me, and the worst of all wear me! The tournament of painful pokes and stinky feet continued until one person picked up my box and walked me to a counter. He then shut the box only to put me into a plastic bag. I was than violently thrown into a car and then realized that I broke the cardboard divider and I looked over to discover I had a twin brother! This is great! we talked the whole car ride about the long boring journey to get there. The car stopped and we were picked up and walked up stairs for what seemed like forever.
When he finally stoped, he opened a door, walked in, and set us down. I looked to my brother in search of answers, and he had none. I soon began to fear for my life greatly. He opened the box and what we saw was a kitchen so organized you never could have lost anything if you tried. He than pulled us out of the box and turned on the faucets and began to soak us in water. He then pulled out a blue piece of foam and started to scrub very hard ripping parts of my skin off. He then pulled out a towel and rubbed till my skin began to burn. He set us on the ground and walked away.
The next morning, it began to rain profusely with no signs of letting up, so sadly this didn't discourage our owner from going out side. He dressed in a rain jacket and pants and put on socks! I feared what was to come next the most. He wore my brother and I and then tied our hair in a knot and proceeded to open the door. He than ran though lakes, rivers and occasionally oceans the whole time I thought he was trying to drown us in filthy rain water that was half mud at the bottom, it only got worse. He took one large jump than slammed us into the river of mud as my brother and I slowly began to drown in the mud and water we could hear the mans sinister laughing.
The man began to walk back the way he came due to the lack of light outside. He than stopped and opened the door. He than took us off of his feet and walked away. I heard water running and he then snatched my brother and dragged him away as my brother screamed for my help. I heard my brother screaming profusely due to immense pain until the water stopped running. My brother came out of that room with no mud covering him but with ripped skin! The man set my brother down than grabbed me and walked into the room with water!
The man set me on the counter and began to run water and every now and then testing the temperature. Once the water steamed, he pulled out a long thin sharp piece of metal with a wood handle and submerged the metal in the water. He than began to slice the mud off of me, but burnt me in the process! I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was too much to handle. He cut me once but it had enough force to pierce my skin and I began to bleed fabric and plastic. The man than grabbed a cloth and scrubbed me dry it felt like my skin was going to burn off.
Years passed of constant pain of being worn until the mans feet could not fit me anymore so he got a new pair of shoes and threw us away to be left in a land fill forever.
The next morning the place flooded with adults and kids all wanting to poke me, and the worst of all wear me! The tournament of painful pokes and stinky feet continued until one person picked up my box and walked me to a counter. He then shut the box only to put me into a plastic bag. I was than violently thrown into a car and then realized that I broke the cardboard divider and I looked over to discover I had a twin brother! This is great! we talked the whole car ride about the long boring journey to get there. The car stopped and we were picked up and walked up stairs for what seemed like forever.
When he finally stoped, he opened a door, walked in, and set us down. I looked to my brother in search of answers, and he had none. I soon began to fear for my life greatly. He opened the box and what we saw was a kitchen so organized you never could have lost anything if you tried. He than pulled us out of the box and turned on the faucets and began to soak us in water. He then pulled out a blue piece of foam and started to scrub very hard ripping parts of my skin off. He then pulled out a towel and rubbed till my skin began to burn. He set us on the ground and walked away.
The next morning, it began to rain profusely with no signs of letting up, so sadly this didn't discourage our owner from going out side. He dressed in a rain jacket and pants and put on socks! I feared what was to come next the most. He wore my brother and I and then tied our hair in a knot and proceeded to open the door. He than ran though lakes, rivers and occasionally oceans the whole time I thought he was trying to drown us in filthy rain water that was half mud at the bottom, it only got worse. He took one large jump than slammed us into the river of mud as my brother and I slowly began to drown in the mud and water we could hear the mans sinister laughing.
The man began to walk back the way he came due to the lack of light outside. He than stopped and opened the door. He than took us off of his feet and walked away. I heard water running and he then snatched my brother and dragged him away as my brother screamed for my help. I heard my brother screaming profusely due to immense pain until the water stopped running. My brother came out of that room with no mud covering him but with ripped skin! The man set my brother down than grabbed me and walked into the room with water!
The man set me on the counter and began to run water and every now and then testing the temperature. Once the water steamed, he pulled out a long thin sharp piece of metal with a wood handle and submerged the metal in the water. He than began to slice the mud off of me, but burnt me in the process! I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was too much to handle. He cut me once but it had enough force to pierce my skin and I began to bleed fabric and plastic. The man than grabbed a cloth and scrubbed me dry it felt like my skin was going to burn off.
Years passed of constant pain of being worn until the mans feet could not fit me anymore so he got a new pair of shoes and threw us away to be left in a land fill forever.
Go go go!
I am scrambling around,
Trying to stay calm
My mindset is intact
But I feel off my mental track
For if I can keep up the pace,
Then I am to be slapped in the face!
Go go go!
Don't stop don't stop don't stop
Hurry hurry hurry,
Let's get on the move!
C'mon c'mon c'mon
Speed is on our side!
Do this! Do that! Keep on moving!
Go go go!
Trying to stay calm
My mindset is intact
But I feel off my mental track
For if I can keep up the pace,
Then I am to be slapped in the face!
Go go go!
Don't stop don't stop don't stop
Hurry hurry hurry,
Let's get on the move!
C'mon c'mon c'mon
Speed is on our side!
Do this! Do that! Keep on moving!
Go go go!
The Ballad of Captain Nerfbeard
A man who uses a nerf gun
A man with plastic wrapping on his rifle
A man who looks like a pirate
A man code named Nerfbeard
A man with plastic wrapping on his rifle
A man who looks like a pirate
A man code named Nerfbeard
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Graduation of Middle School
The celebration of learning for eight years is graduation. A time when you get presented to your classmate's family. They sit there and wait for the principal to call their child's names for 10 seconds. We sit there listening to the names of classmates who have gone through this middle school. Whether we are ready or not, we are going into high school.
Thank the Lord school is over. Middle school, some may call it the worst time in their life while others will call it the best time in their life (probably because they were the "popular" kids). And while some of that maybe true there is one thing that I learned from my time at Manitou Middle School and that my friends is that procrastinating is the worst thing to do in school. Especially going into high school it will be hell if you think that is going to get you anywhere. And from reading from this piece of paper about what this "speech" is going to be about the things that inspired me were not from actual people in the school, it was actually "We're Not Going To Take It" by Twisted Sister. Yes it was actually a song that inspired me mainly because it's a good song. And for you grammar Nazis cringing at my speech I may have done that on purpose. Now how do I view the world now? As the same as I entered in Middle School, a dark place where people think that race is important. Every time I see that on a survey they want to know my race I always think: It's human right? But no it always comes up with African American, White, Caucasian, and European White? But you maybe asking why did I even bring that up? It's probably because I felt like it and was bored. So to end this speech so that I can just end it really I will end on a positive note, no matter if your teacher is the worst teacher of all time, be glad that your moving on to another grade unless the teacher teaches then your just screwed. In the words of my friend Max who doesn't go to this school, "Later Nerds."
8th grade was like a high school relationship. It was a lot of fun, but there were hard times. I am sad to be leaving the Manitou Springs Middle School, but at least my friends are coming with me. I want to thank my teachers and friends for helping me get through the middle school. You all have influenced my life.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Promotion. One of the saddest and happiest times of your life. For me, This is going to be hard. Meeting new people are just people, but through an entire year of knowing someone you make some pretty good friends. Knowing someone for three years however, builds more than friends. It builds a form of family. That's why you can get out of sixth or seventh grade, and feel great. Eighth grade is much worse because you leave behind three years of experience and teachers and sometimes friends, but don't worry most of your current-grade friends will be right by your side for the next four years.
Eighth Grade
8th grade was.....interesting to say the least. A lot of new teachers and students joined us throughout the year, and got welcomed by others. So let's start off with the beginning of the year, it ways fun seeing the friends you haven't seen for three months. Everyone was cheerful. The middle of the year everyone was getting lazy, but they did the work they had to. Last but certainly not least the end of the year. Everyone's excited (mostly the 8th grade) to get out of school and be able to sleep in and not get out of bed at 5:30am. We're also excited for Elitches, the dance, and the pool party that's coming up fast. We only have about nine more days of school left, and people are getting really excited. We, the 8th grade, will be moving to the high school and everyone's looking forward to that (don't know why) so we'll miss the teachers, even the new teachers when we move to the high school. The year was exciting and fun, most people got along and we are all ready to move to the high school. So this is technically saying goodbye to the teachers and the students we've made friends with through the year of being here
Promotion speech
My middle school expirence was fun I had great memories some good some bad some great teachers and some it felt unfair at times but eighth grade had no bad teachers but I'm happy and sad that I'm leaving for high school
Crawling out of Middle School Alive
Middle school; a time of hardships and education. But let's be honest middle school sucks. And although this is true, I will not forget the teachers who taught me most everything I know now. I bid goodbye to all my fellow students. And good luck as we walk into this new chapter of our lives.
Lost in the Desert
Day 1
When did I get here? I woke up in this desert all alone. I have money, a gun, and a lighter. All I can see is sand and cacti. I have learned to drink the cactus water and it tastes like normal plain water. I still have no food. My only choice is to hike until I find civilization.
Day 2
I woke up to a rattlesnake just ten feet away from me. I killed and cooked it. Rattlesnake has great flavor. I am low on ammo for my gun. I just found a river, hopefully leading to civilization.
When did I get here? I woke up in this desert all alone. I have money, a gun, and a lighter. All I can see is sand and cacti. I have learned to drink the cactus water and it tastes like normal plain water. I still have no food. My only choice is to hike until I find civilization.
Day 2
I woke up to a rattlesnake just ten feet away from me. I killed and cooked it. Rattlesnake has great flavor. I am low on ammo for my gun. I just found a river, hopefully leading to civilization.
New California
The Senate had voted no. The southerners had won the vote preventing California from joining the Union as a state. Everyone reacted in their own separate way. Southerners rejoiced, northerners protested, even hurling rotten food and stones at southern congressmen and senators. Californians reacted quite differently however, many met in basements and barns speaking of secession in hushed voices. The next day militias were recruiting any men they could get in Sacramento. There was no lack of men willing to join up.
In Benicia a large militia armed with muskets marched on the Benicia Arsenal and Barracks. The extremely understaffed base sent out 50 men. The revolutionaries fired the first volley taking a high number of US soldiers with. The US soldiers then fired their volley which took few militia men with.
The US expecting the Californians to fire once again received a horrible surprise as the Californians afixed their bayonets and charged the Union men. Few men had prepared their bayonets before the Californians were upon them. In the chaos, many lives were lost while the remainder of the US soldiers fled over the grassy hills in the distance.
The Californians lowered the American Flag above the fort and raised their white flag with a red star in the center. This show of strength displayed to the citizens of the west coast that the rebels could win! Now armed with cannons and equipment of a higher quality, they planned their next move. The militia planned to march south to the Presido of Monterey, bringing any men willing to fight with them.
In Benicia a large militia armed with muskets marched on the Benicia Arsenal and Barracks. The extremely understaffed base sent out 50 men. The revolutionaries fired the first volley taking a high number of US soldiers with. The US soldiers then fired their volley which took few militia men with.
The US expecting the Californians to fire once again received a horrible surprise as the Californians afixed their bayonets and charged the Union men. Few men had prepared their bayonets before the Californians were upon them. In the chaos, many lives were lost while the remainder of the US soldiers fled over the grassy hills in the distance.
The Californians lowered the American Flag above the fort and raised their white flag with a red star in the center. This show of strength displayed to the citizens of the west coast that the rebels could win! Now armed with cannons and equipment of a higher quality, they planned their next move. The militia planned to march south to the Presido of Monterey, bringing any men willing to fight with them.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
What would you do?
What if you were told you are going to die in one week?
How would you feel?
I would honestly want to kill myself. You won't know how it would happen.
Maybe that day you would think it would happen when you're at soccer practice and you stay home, but what if it's a home burglary?
For my last six days I would like to spend the most out of them, conquer my fears, but that one question will be going in and out.
What would you do?
How would you feel?
I would honestly want to kill myself. You won't know how it would happen.
Maybe that day you would think it would happen when you're at soccer practice and you stay home, but what if it's a home burglary?
For my last six days I would like to spend the most out of them, conquer my fears, but that one question will be going in and out.
What would you do?
My middle school career had a lot of ups and downs. 8th grade was a great year for me. I loved all my teachers and had an awesome year. My favorite part of middle school would have to be P.E. This has been my favorite class all throughout middle school. I love the teachers and just how they run the class. Over all, middle school has been a great experience, and I think I am ready to make the next step in my life by going to high school.
Eighth Grade
Eighth grade
Dead Label
Leighbal laid.
Leighbal stayed, still and afraid
Though dead and gone, his label stayed
Nothing but his label
Unable to dissemble
Felt enable and disabled
He tried to hold on,
Though wasn't stable
He wasn't able
To keep through, to keep strong
Wasn't capable to see what's true, so blue he became
Numb and none to blame
Electrified and petrified.
Outside of him, he stepped though he tried
Label held and so did he
Leighbal blank, distraught was he
Blown one way to the next
No fear or regret
Loose foundation he stood
One good blow—
And down he could go
Lay dead,
His label.
This poem was inspired by the grave. I know, it seems ironic that such a deceased place could bring back such life. But yes. As I walked around, I looked at tomb stones and saw a peculiar one, the name said Leighbal. Like the word label. And I just thought what harm a label could do. What ground it could break. So I tied two and two together and wrote about a man. A man who even though lie dead in his grave, his label lingered with him. The label the world laid with him.
My middle school career had a lot of ups and downs. 8th grade was a great year for me. I loved all my teachers and had an awesome year. My favorite part of middle school would have to be P.E. This has been my favorite class all throughout middle school. I love the teachers and just how they run the class. Over all, middle school has been a great experience, and I think I am ready to make the next step in my life by going to high school.
Monday, May 15, 2017
The School System
The school system. Looking back at school life, I realize I didn't learn anything important. I didn't learn about taxes or mortgages. Columbus, did NOT discover America. He just landed here completely on accident. There were already natives. Schools teach you that he came by and was all happy and friendly. When really he killed everyone and raped them. The government wants us to just learn absolutely nothing because when the time comes we have to pay taxes: we're under their control to depend on them to help us. And then what?
More and more money. In the time of crisis we don't need to measure "C" or find "X". We need to know how to defend ourselves or pay taxes so we don't lose our houses. The school system sees that and says, "Oh, don't worry just dissect a frog." We need to know how to pay taxes and mortgages, not 'how far can you walk in five minutes at this pace'.
Sure spelling can be pretty good to know, but honestly do we need 12 years of that? Do we need mental math in the real world? Maybe but only for the simple stuff. Technology advances and every second of every day we would have some calculator or the internet. Most kids don't care about learning they just want to pass. Keep teaching them lies don't teach them how to live in the real world. Teachers have the most important job in the world and they're underpaid. Eventually they'll lose motivation. I don't need to know how the cavemen hunted; it's trivial. The only history I find useful is certain subjects I am passionate about. Photography for example, the first photo on record is a view from Le Gras.
But still, when am I going to need that in the real world? I know half the people out there are going to look at me and say "I'm just a kid that doesn't see it the right way", but take a look at yourself as an adult whether working with computers and servers, or out training someone to be better fit at football or basketball. Do you really need to know what year Washington led his army? Is the Chinese army going to help you pay your taxes? Is the length of "C" going to teach you how to pay rent? Is half of this circle going to help you on how to grow food in the case of a shortage? I mean sure, there's some spots that could be useful, but is that absolutely crucial in life?
More and more money. In the time of crisis we don't need to measure "C" or find "X". We need to know how to defend ourselves or pay taxes so we don't lose our houses. The school system sees that and says, "Oh, don't worry just dissect a frog." We need to know how to pay taxes and mortgages, not 'how far can you walk in five minutes at this pace'.
Sure spelling can be pretty good to know, but honestly do we need 12 years of that? Do we need mental math in the real world? Maybe but only for the simple stuff. Technology advances and every second of every day we would have some calculator or the internet. Most kids don't care about learning they just want to pass. Keep teaching them lies don't teach them how to live in the real world. Teachers have the most important job in the world and they're underpaid. Eventually they'll lose motivation. I don't need to know how the cavemen hunted; it's trivial. The only history I find useful is certain subjects I am passionate about. Photography for example, the first photo on record is a view from Le Gras.
But still, when am I going to need that in the real world? I know half the people out there are going to look at me and say "I'm just a kid that doesn't see it the right way", but take a look at yourself as an adult whether working with computers and servers, or out training someone to be better fit at football or basketball. Do you really need to know what year Washington led his army? Is the Chinese army going to help you pay your taxes? Is the length of "C" going to teach you how to pay rent? Is half of this circle going to help you on how to grow food in the case of a shortage? I mean sure, there's some spots that could be useful, but is that absolutely crucial in life?
There is one gift that will only be given once. That gift is life. Live your life the way that it should be lived. Go out and have some fun and see the world you're living in! Go outside and have fun, but also take some time to relax. See and hear what's surrounding you in your world. Listen to the animals, the chirping birds, and the wind. Enjoy life.
Why? Why are there 100 plus stones in one place? Well, because it is a graveyard of course. I was at the graveyard on Friday night. The owls were loud and I was scared. All of a sudden I felt sleepy and fell down and hit my head hard on the road. The thick blood poured out. When I woke up, I saw the light. Light of my mom's car that was picking me up and taking me home safely.
Sappy Poems for The Faint of Heart
As I lay there with my head on her chest
I hear the thump of a heartbeat,
A fast beating to match my own
And maybe I am engulfed in a cloud of naivety
But I can't help but feel she likes me too
But love is painfully sharp.
It cuts through skin and bone
A pain that is strangely familiar
Maybe this time things will work out.
Maybe this time my heart won't beat so loud.
I have enveloped myself in a womb of skin and bone
Trying to keep the cold away.
And she is bright
A sea of happiness
And I am an island
So close but not yet touching
How could someone like her
Ever like someone like me?
She lights up the castles with the glow of a thousand candles
And I know all to well that a flame can burn if you get too close.
So the question is
Is it okay to catch fire?
I hear the thump of a heartbeat,
A fast beating to match my own
And maybe I am engulfed in a cloud of naivety
But I can't help but feel she likes me too
But love is painfully sharp.
It cuts through skin and bone
A pain that is strangely familiar
Maybe this time things will work out.
Maybe this time my heart won't beat so loud.
I have enveloped myself in a womb of skin and bone
Trying to keep the cold away.
And she is bright
A sea of happiness
And I am an island
So close but not yet touching
How could someone like her
Ever like someone like me?
She lights up the castles with the glow of a thousand candles
And I know all to well that a flame can burn if you get too close.
So the question is
Is it okay to catch fire?
My summer
A normal summer for me would start off with baseball, and this years season is going to last well into August. The team I play for is Manitou and this is my first year with them. The two positions that I play are short stop and first base. What I love about baseball is every thing happens so fast compared to other sports like soccer. When that ends then I would start soccer, football, or golf. Football is probably my favorite because I am the best at it compared to the others, and I also play for Manitou as well. My favorite thing about football is probably how physical it is. You really have to have the right mind set. Now, outside of sports throughout my summer would be going to the pool, hanging out with my friends, and going to work with my family. That is basically my summer every year.
What are you planning on doing this summer?
What are you planning on doing this summer?
Promotions Speech
Hi, how are you guys, class of 2021? Well good. I hope you're doing well. As you know, we are now moving on. Getting out of here in the nicest way possible. And quite frankly, Pulling a skiddattle. And although it seems almost unreal, we are now practically out of middle school. We are growing up faster than we know it and it is kinda scary, I have to admit. To know that we will be our own person in four years. But I assure you, its not the end. We still, as Ive said, have these four years together.
My middle school years have been great. Even though I have sadly, only been at Manitou for two years. These years have been great. The feeling of walking into a new school and a new year is scary. But being apart of things has really helped me. Being a part of sports and music experiences. Participating in health games and activities. I think that is the best part. Getting to meet new people and having fun.
As I have progressed through the years, not only have I physically grown, but I have mentally and socially grown also. Whether it was learning about the cells in Mrs. Guance's class, or learning how to diagram sentences in Ms. Spengler class. I have learned so much more than I would've have anywhere else. Manitou springs middle school has not only offered a safe place to really be who I am, but a garunteed growth. Manitou is like one large family. And like a family, we might fight and argue. But we still have each other in times of need.
As a grade, we have grown so much. We have changed and added on to the family number wise. And altogether, we have exponentially seen new events come to pass so quickly. You guys have made new connections and brought in "new blood". We have made signs to support our sports teams. And have even put together a spirit bus for boys basketball. And honestly it's touching. The fact that we put time and effort got support each other. We have truly all together equally grown.
So take that. Take the help and growth you captured and hold on to it, use it to propell you through high school. Don't be shy. Make new friends and get to know new people and new things. Really search and find yourself. And once you do, don't like anyone shake your solid ground.
So now, with that. Class of 2021, as Steve Jobs once said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you want to become." Thank you students and peers. But most of all thank you to teachers and staff! Now, go on. Scram. You're high schloolers now.
My middle school years have been great. Even though I have sadly, only been at Manitou for two years. These years have been great. The feeling of walking into a new school and a new year is scary. But being apart of things has really helped me. Being a part of sports and music experiences. Participating in health games and activities. I think that is the best part. Getting to meet new people and having fun.
As I have progressed through the years, not only have I physically grown, but I have mentally and socially grown also. Whether it was learning about the cells in Mrs. Guance's class, or learning how to diagram sentences in Ms. Spengler class. I have learned so much more than I would've have anywhere else. Manitou springs middle school has not only offered a safe place to really be who I am, but a garunteed growth. Manitou is like one large family. And like a family, we might fight and argue. But we still have each other in times of need.
As a grade, we have grown so much. We have changed and added on to the family number wise. And altogether, we have exponentially seen new events come to pass so quickly. You guys have made new connections and brought in "new blood". We have made signs to support our sports teams. And have even put together a spirit bus for boys basketball. And honestly it's touching. The fact that we put time and effort got support each other. We have truly all together equally grown.
So take that. Take the help and growth you captured and hold on to it, use it to propell you through high school. Don't be shy. Make new friends and get to know new people and new things. Really search and find yourself. And once you do, don't like anyone shake your solid ground.
So now, with that. Class of 2021, as Steve Jobs once said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you want to become." Thank you students and peers. But most of all thank you to teachers and staff! Now, go on. Scram. You're high schloolers now.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Graveyard-End-of-Year Musings, Part I
Once upon a time, there was a class of 8th graders, who got randomly thrown together into a new teacher's classroom. She had only taught 6th and 7th graders before, and wasn't sure what kind of creatures she would find. She shouldn't have been surprised: there were jocks and nerds and artists, quiet ones and loud ones, ones who showed up in December or April and ones who left in January, ones who found joy in writing, and ones who found it a struggle. It is the same everywhere, in every city and every state. They were not special, these children.
But somehow, they all came together to make something larger than themselves or their little boxes. At least between 8:05 and 9:35 AM Monday through Friday, anyway. Of course, sometimes they fit into the boxes, that's only natural. But sometimes, the boxes opened, and they saw themselves, and each other, in a new light. Their teacher made them diagram sentences in the hopes that they would have a deeper understanding of language. They wrote stories and poems and diaries and plays. Some they finished. Many they did not. They had book clubs. Together, they lived The Outsiders. Even the ones who came later lived it, too, for they felt the
effects of a group that accepts everyone.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
The World We Live In
The world is such a crazy place. People act like they're caring about you and your friends. Let's start with the pharmaceutical industry. They say they're trying to cure you with meds for a sore throat that lasts 3 days. The meds they give you cause depression and suicidal thoughts, bleeding, and heart failure. In reality, you need meds for those too. More money. Money is what they care about. Take these meds that fix this but cause that. No worries, we have more and more meds for every symptom you get from the last bottle. Such a shame they cost just as much if not even more money. Getting sick is expensive. Ever think why the cure for cancer hasn't been released yet? Yeah, because the pharmaceutical industry just wants their money. Some meds for smaller diseases and sicknesses cause bigger illnesses. More expensive ones. This falls under one of The 7 Deadly Sins. Greed, they don't save lives, they feed off them to get more and more money.
Schools, you're next.
Schools, you're next.
May 24, 2017, a new start in our 8th grade lives. Our bad days and our wonderful memories that we have made have come to an end. I remember stepping into those middle school doors, and thinking how hard middle school was going to be, but it turned out being a fun experience and hanging out with friends. My 8th grade year was probably the best. I got much closer to my friends. I've always been a shy kid, and 8th grade, I said it was going to be my year to open up, and it happened. I got to meet new teachers, such as Ms.Spengler. She was a main reason I opened up this year because she started off her class with a presentation! From then on I have become a total different person. But now we will all begin a new chapter in our lives that starts in only about three months! Good luck 8th graders!
Moving... and Moving On
At the beginning, I was young and unaware, as things usually go. However, a few years make a difference. I started moving simply, and now I'm more complicated. I came here because of friends, and I am staying for new ones. That's kind of funny. It just makes you think about how people change. Speaking of change, I've done it. I'm more patient and less incompetent all thanks to middle school. I know I won't forget these years, thanks to the people. Thanks to the people.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
My middle school career had a lot of ups and downs. 8th grade was a great year for me. I loved all my teachers and had a awesome year. My favorite part of middle school would have to be P.E. this has been my favorite class all threw out middle school. I love the teachers and just how they run the class. Over all middle school has been a great experience and I think I am ready to make the next step in my life by going to high school.
Moving on
Throughout my middle school career, I have had a lot of up and downs. Some of the best moments are of my friends and I skiing down the slopes of Cooper, to the not-so fun track every Thursday. Although I had a fun time in middle school, I am ready to move on to high school and take a step closer to adulthood.
Wow. All of us are promoting onto a new school soon. Some will go to Manitou, and some will not. As a whole, we are all going from being at the top of our school, to soon being at the bottom. High school is a great opportunity and a new chapter in our lives. As we start this new chapter, I wish luck to all the current 8th graders!
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Today's Society In Education
Todays society. Its a crazy world where people notice your learn style and think it's ok to put you in classes. I enjoy the offer guys. But my educations is far lower than my intelligence. They are far from the same. And for someone like me, I see what you mean. The part that mentions, "These selected students learn in a special way." That one was a stump. Really guys. People like me with high intelligence and low education will notice this. Trust me. And you've offended plenty of people. MAP is a "program" that says, "Oh, we see you suck at school. Let's just put you in this class to make you feel half as bad". From what I've learned these kinds of things with "program" in it are for school idiots. Honestly guys. Great way to piss people off. Think we wouldn't notice. Yeah, I did. Today's society of educations thinks that if you don't learn any standards you're a dumb kid and that you need "special" help. Intelligence is what I see to matter. What I want to be when I grow up doesn't require college. It requires high school diploma. It's pretty simple. And yeah college makes you look better because they think you're smarter, but look at the main idea. You want education. Take intelligence instead. Do what you think will help. But it won't help me. Don't try to help me. Maybe check to see who you've offended before setting up a program. I get you're trying to help, but maybe you should say we're special. Don't say I'm wrong and try to hide the fact. I suck at school I know that, but intelligence is what people look for and they think it will be found through education. I learn through hands on and demonstration. I learn with my eyes. I'm not the only one.
Friday, April 14, 2017
A Pugs Tale, part two
The tundra was mostly featureless other than the few trees that dotted the miles of snowy desert. But amongst the frozen wasteland was an army of destruction. Thousands of chihuahua soldiers marched in perfect formation, leaving a mass of footprints in the snow. They still had many miles to go before they reached any pug settlements. But there was,however, a frontline that had been established by the pugs that was designed to hold the chihuahuas back. If the pugs were successful in defeating the chihuahuas, they would have the advantage.
Now, Tallinn-pug is moving through a mountain pass with his fellow legionaries. At this point, Tallinn-pug has finished his training, which only lasted a couple of weeks, as the pug army needed to quickly gain numbers. Tallinn's regiment of soldiers was commanded by the Royal Assassin, Legate Pugnus Ashmoth ,which was probably a fake name. The task given to his regiment was to Move past the frontline and engage the chihuahuas to try and weaken them as well as buy time while the rest of the pug army strengthened themselves.
As the marching pugs had no way to measure the temperature, the only conclusion they could jump to was that it was cold. Probably somewhere below zero.
There was only one way the cold could get any worse, which would be a frozen river. And that was exactly what they had to deal with. Tallinn-pug, being one of the lower ranking soldiers, was in the back of the March. The river wasn't frozen due to the fast current, so the pugs would have to either find a way to cross without getting wet or they would have to wade through the icy water, which isn't really an option.The commander Pugnus stood in front of the pugs and gathered their attention.
“Beyond this river is an army of well trained chihuahua soldiers. This army vastly outnumbers us. But our job is not to defeat them, but rather it is to hold them back
while your brothers and sisters abroad strengthen themselves. You are the best the pug army can offer. Despite this, many of you will not return from battle. But those who die, die with great honor. And you will be remembered forever when this war ends, and the mighty pug empire is victorious!” The commander's great speech triggered a howl among the invigorated pug soldiers.
Tallinn-pug, however, was not howling. He began to think about what battle will be like, and whether or not he will survive. His stomach began to knot up. “Tallinn, get your ass over here and help us build a bridge across this river” a higher ranking pug captain beckoned Tallinn over. The other pugs were gathering logs and hewing down large trees. Within minutes a bridge was erected onto the river. As the pugs reached the opposite bank of the river they were met by a sparse forest and and a large ravine a couple of miles downhill. Somewhere beyond this ravine is the chihuahua army.
The pug soldiers changed formation, placing lower ranking soldiers in front and the higher ups in the back. As a swordsman Tallinn was placed in the middle of the formation. As the pugs reached the ravine, they split the march into thirds. Two thirds will march on either side of the ravine, and the remaining third will march on the lower middle part. Tallinn was in the center march.
It was silent as the pug legionnaires moved through the ravine, spearmen in front.
The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the pug soldiers feet beating the ground. Tallinn noticed that the sound was getting louder. Commander Pugnus ordered the pug soldiers to stop and listen. But when the pugs halted, the sound of marching did not stop. Instead it continued to get louder.
Now, Tallinn-pug is moving through a mountain pass with his fellow legionaries. At this point, Tallinn-pug has finished his training, which only lasted a couple of weeks, as the pug army needed to quickly gain numbers. Tallinn's regiment of soldiers was commanded by the Royal Assassin, Legate Pugnus Ashmoth ,which was probably a fake name. The task given to his regiment was to Move past the frontline and engage the chihuahuas to try and weaken them as well as buy time while the rest of the pug army strengthened themselves.
As the marching pugs had no way to measure the temperature, the only conclusion they could jump to was that it was cold. Probably somewhere below zero.
There was only one way the cold could get any worse, which would be a frozen river. And that was exactly what they had to deal with. Tallinn-pug, being one of the lower ranking soldiers, was in the back of the March. The river wasn't frozen due to the fast current, so the pugs would have to either find a way to cross without getting wet or they would have to wade through the icy water, which isn't really an option.The commander Pugnus stood in front of the pugs and gathered their attention.
“Beyond this river is an army of well trained chihuahua soldiers. This army vastly outnumbers us. But our job is not to defeat them, but rather it is to hold them back
while your brothers and sisters abroad strengthen themselves. You are the best the pug army can offer. Despite this, many of you will not return from battle. But those who die, die with great honor. And you will be remembered forever when this war ends, and the mighty pug empire is victorious!” The commander's great speech triggered a howl among the invigorated pug soldiers.
Tallinn-pug, however, was not howling. He began to think about what battle will be like, and whether or not he will survive. His stomach began to knot up. “Tallinn, get your ass over here and help us build a bridge across this river” a higher ranking pug captain beckoned Tallinn over. The other pugs were gathering logs and hewing down large trees. Within minutes a bridge was erected onto the river. As the pugs reached the opposite bank of the river they were met by a sparse forest and and a large ravine a couple of miles downhill. Somewhere beyond this ravine is the chihuahua army.
The pug soldiers changed formation, placing lower ranking soldiers in front and the higher ups in the back. As a swordsman Tallinn was placed in the middle of the formation. As the pugs reached the ravine, they split the march into thirds. Two thirds will march on either side of the ravine, and the remaining third will march on the lower middle part. Tallinn was in the center march.
It was silent as the pug legionnaires moved through the ravine, spearmen in front.
The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the pug soldiers feet beating the ground. Tallinn noticed that the sound was getting louder. Commander Pugnus ordered the pug soldiers to stop and listen. But when the pugs halted, the sound of marching did not stop. Instead it continued to get louder.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Kazekistan Takes Over
The town was gone. The nuclear bomb hit last fall. Kazekistan took over. Brandon Johnson is now the leader of North America. People are fleeing up the mountain to get away from the war zone. Up the mountain, there is a secret hideout for the Americans. Tomorrow, at the meeting of congress, we will kill Brandon Johnson and take back our land.
All of a sudden, a Kazekistan plane flew above dropping armed men. Then men were Kazekistian soldiers. They surrounded us. Now Kazekistan is going to take over, because we were the last hope for America. I'm turning myself in.
If you find this journal, please kill Brandon Johnson.
All of a sudden, a Kazekistan plane flew above dropping armed men. Then men were Kazekistian soldiers. They surrounded us. Now Kazekistan is going to take over, because we were the last hope for America. I'm turning myself in.
If you find this journal, please kill Brandon Johnson.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Lost with no Memories
Ow.... my head (two hours later once what's his name calmed down I really don't think you want to sit through two full hours of…...ahhh!! I don't know who I am, but for some reason I have over and over again). Ok, I have no idea who I am or where I am. I can remember basic things, but not anything of my personal life. I think I'm in a desert. I've obviously been out here for quite some time as I'm second degree burned on my legs and arms. For some reason I have a taser. Oh wait! I can check my pockets for a wallet which might have an ID in it.... ok, I didn't find an ID, but, I did find a pistol attached to my belt. Apparently in my past I injured my leg pretty badly because I appear to be walking with a limp.
(Washington D.C.)
“General Smith, we have no idea where he is.”
“You've checked his apartment?"
“Yes, sir, there was evidence he hadn't been there for a week and all of his gear was missing, but there is some bad news".
“Well, don't just sit there spit it out.”
“There was blood that did not belong to him.”
“Well, do we know whose blood it is?”
“The tests are being done as we speak.”
I see a small town about four or five miles away. Hopefully I will make it there before nightfall. What the heck! A knife stained in blood just fell out of my back pocket! The only reason I noticed at all is because I tripped over a rock and the object came flying out and sliced my back. From what I can tell from the wound the knife sliced pretty deep. I need to get to that town fast.
“Sir, the blood results came back it’s partially his and the other half is someone else. They think he was defending himself.
“I want to be notified if a body is found in the general area.”
(Somewhere in the Sahara desert)
I've made it to the town before nightfall. It appears to be a ghost town and as far as I can tell no one has been here for a few decades. There's a mine in the distance. You know the kind of mine that they mined for gold. I will be sure to avoid that. I need to find bandages. Would a saloon have bandages? Creak
Man this floor is very rickety. Crack Oh no! OW REALLY MY HEAD AGAIN. As I fell, I slowly realized that this is basically a bottomless pit except it's not because I can see the end.
“Sir, our satellites just found someone entering Area 51.”
“We don't know he just appeared. As if he teleported there.”
“Where is he now?”
“He has entered one of the hangers.”
“Which Hanger? What hanger?”
“We can't tell. All we can make out is a 3 but, we do know from the cameras that it was the hanger with the prototype ship and sir, his shirt was drenched on his back in blood.”
“Get a strike force mobilized in 20. We’re going back to 51.”
Continue reading for a glimpse at part 2
Within 20 seconds, I came from a desert and now I’m in what appears to be a military base.
(Washington D.C.)
“General Smith, we have no idea where he is.”
“You've checked his apartment?"
“Yes, sir, there was evidence he hadn't been there for a week and all of his gear was missing, but there is some bad news".
“Well, don't just sit there spit it out.”
“There was blood that did not belong to him.”
“Well, do we know whose blood it is?”
“The tests are being done as we speak.”
I see a small town about four or five miles away. Hopefully I will make it there before nightfall. What the heck! A knife stained in blood just fell out of my back pocket! The only reason I noticed at all is because I tripped over a rock and the object came flying out and sliced my back. From what I can tell from the wound the knife sliced pretty deep. I need to get to that town fast.
“Sir, the blood results came back it’s partially his and the other half is someone else. They think he was defending himself.
“I want to be notified if a body is found in the general area.”
(Somewhere in the Sahara desert)
I've made it to the town before nightfall. It appears to be a ghost town and as far as I can tell no one has been here for a few decades. There's a mine in the distance. You know the kind of mine that they mined for gold. I will be sure to avoid that. I need to find bandages. Would a saloon have bandages? Creak
Man this floor is very rickety. Crack Oh no! OW REALLY MY HEAD AGAIN. As I fell, I slowly realized that this is basically a bottomless pit except it's not because I can see the end.
“Sir, our satellites just found someone entering Area 51.”
“We don't know he just appeared. As if he teleported there.”
“Where is he now?”
“He has entered one of the hangers.”
“Which Hanger? What hanger?”
“We can't tell. All we can make out is a 3 but, we do know from the cameras that it was the hanger with the prototype ship and sir, his shirt was drenched on his back in blood.”
“Get a strike force mobilized in 20. We’re going back to 51.”
Continue reading for a glimpse at part 2
Within 20 seconds, I came from a desert and now I’m in what appears to be a military base.
Cooked Cow Song
Hamburger hamburger
put some lettuce and cheese
don't forget the meat or beef pretty please
add some onions and some tomato
and don't forget to fry those potatoes š
every now and then o and there is one sound inside my head just saying
you better get that hamburger
put some lettuce and cheese
don't forget the meat or beef pretty please
add some onions and some tomato
and don't forget to fry those potatoes š
every now and then o and there is one sound inside my head just saying
you better get that hamburger
A Rocks Eye View
It was a nice day outside
People walking side by side.
But everyone had a phone in their hand
And no one stopped to enjoy the land.
No one ever liked to talk
All they ever did was walk.
With phones in their hands and headphones on their ears
Made all of us rocks fall into tears.
People walking side by side.
But everyone had a phone in their hand
And no one stopped to enjoy the land.
No one ever liked to talk
All they ever did was walk.
With phones in their hands and headphones on their ears
Made all of us rocks fall into tears.
Trees have feelings
It began one warm almost summer day. The wind carried the smell of redolent pine as it flew through the tree limbs. Little did I know that I was close to the end that one daunting day.
It began with the voices of little kids, this wasn't abnormal there was always hikers. As the voices grew louder, I felt more and more apprehensive until the voices stopped. I was beyond confused, so I looked around and saw nothing, then looked down only to see the horror they had decided to climb me! As the kids carelessly stomped and hung from my limbs. All I felt was pain as my limbs bent under their weight. I couldn't bare it any longer and as the first loud snap rang through me, I looked to see the horror of sap covering their hands as they laughed and their faces concealed evil joy. As more of my limbs broke, they slammed into the ground as I felt immense pain. And when I thought to myself, “It can't get any worse”, it did.
The kids reached the top! I only heard the adults yelling for their kids to get down. They obeyed their parents and my only thought was, "It was finally over." I couldn't have been more wrong in my life; all I heard was "kids back up" then thwack. I was being attacked with an ax the man was chopping at my legs! Many adult trees tell their young "that if they misbehave the frightening man will chop them down and they'll never be heard from again". As I fell to the ground, the intense pain was too much to handle. I was then tied down to a car and only could think of the terrible things to come. We then sped up away from the forest further and further. We stopped! Why? What is going to happen? I was then brought into a warm inviting home.
They set me up in the corner of the room and the kids yelled "Can we decorate it?" The adults had replied, “yes”. I had no Idea of what was to come: they had boxes of sharp hooks attached to spherical shapes. They hung them from me! So many spheres, so much weight. It was too much! Later that night when I thought only the torture was to come then they had put boxes under me. Why? Were they traps so if I tried to escape? Three days later my torture was over. The spheres went back into the box. And the kids joyous and intense days slowly dwindled. I then was brought outside only to see the frightening ax once more. The man had chopped me into small bits only to leave me outside in the cold for days.
All my bits were then brought inside and were set in a metal box. The man walked away to grab a stick with a red end. He rubbed it on a small box then the bright light it was so pretty. As I was being distracted the kids had placed newspaper below me. The man had placed the bright light below me. The intensity of the heat was awful! I was soon burning! I felt the pain as my skin burned away and fell in burning heaps of ash. The immense pain as they all sat around me to watch me burn while joyous evil covered their faces. Dark, so dark. It was the end.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Road Signs
Life is a highway that goes around the world
From the start you go with very few that travel the entire ride with you
Along the way you meet others that stand by you for a moment
But before you can think twice they're gone
A little while down the road you start to see signs
Signs telling you where to go
You read every single one of them
But you only take the exit to go to one
That doesn't mean you cant turn around
Once you've decided where to go
You follow the road
By this point you may have to stop and get gas
Because you cant do one thing forever
You will need a break
But sooner than later you keep going
And you get to your destination
Realizing you left your money at home
But those people that stuck through it will be there for you
You get inside and you know exactly what to do
What do I do!?
I'm in a conundrum!
People want this
And that
Then this
But I don't want
Any of that
Not one bit
So I just sand then sit
While you're thrown a fit
So I flip you the bird
Like I'm cookin' chicken
With a spatula
Yah I'm flippin'!
So help?
I'm in a conundrum!
People want this
And that
Then this
But I don't want
Any of that
Not one bit
So I just sand then sit
While you're thrown a fit
So I flip you the bird
Like I'm cookin' chicken
With a spatula
Yah I'm flippin'!
So help?
Friday, March 3, 2017
The bay in Maine
The open sea,
sea is where
the ocean breeze dances
around the bay of Portland all day
tourist flock
the ocean breeze
dance around the Portland bay
all day
tourists (and seagulls) flock
to glimpse the blue
or taste the sea’s fruit
of the mouth, of the mighty beast, our ocean
where the squid slide through the salty sea
and where fish draw to the food thrown by the visitors
and where my family’s from,
in Maine.
sea is where
the ocean breeze dances
around the bay of Portland all day
tourist flock
the ocean breeze
dance around the Portland bay
all day
tourists (and seagulls) flock
to glimpse the blue
or taste the sea’s fruit
of the mouth, of the mighty beast, our ocean
where the squid slide through the salty sea
and where fish draw to the food thrown by the visitors
and where my family’s from,
in Maine.
As she sits
She sits alone
She waits for the one
The one and only
The one who will help her
But she wonders will he come?
She sits alone
She waits for the one
The one and only
The one who will help her
But she wonders will he come?
Genus even toed mammals are cool and really tall.
In their lives their average height
Ranges from 16-20 for males but the
verage height for full grown
female giraffes is 15ft. When feeling threatened or intimidated they
fight for territory or females
Eventually one wins or both give up.
Serious damage could be done but just look at baby giraffes, that could be fun.
In their lives their average height
Ranges from 16-20 for males but the
verage height for full grown
female giraffes is 15ft. When feeling threatened or intimidated they
fight for territory or females
Eventually one wins or both give up.
Serious damage could be done but just look at baby giraffes, that could be fun.
Patriots running onto the field
All the fans screaming.
Touch down patriots.
Running down the field
I was so excited.
Other sideline in disappointment
Touch down for the third time.
Screaming crowds rush onto the field.
My sisters middle name is rose. Every time I see a rose it reminds me of her. The smell of her is just like a rose, but sometimes the mean side of her comes out. The thorns on the rose are not noticeable unless you pick them up. She is one of a kind and she is my sister. Her and I have a great time together on family vocations unlike other siblings.
As soon as I bloom, I become red.
As soon as I bloom, I become red.
Kazekistan today vol 3.
As of today, all able bodied Kazekistanese citizens are now required to serve up to a year in the military. The new law was implemented into the constitution as part of Kazekistan's military modernization program. Military occupations such as the KSFU(Kazekistanese special forces unit) are career positions.
Shortly after president Johnson's speech this week. Revolutionary leader, Kirianna McNerny was apprehended and detained by The KSFU. President Johnson will be speaking on all Kazekistanese news network tomorrow to release new information to the public.
Next Monday and every Monday after that there will be a test for the new emergency alert system. This alert system will be used in the event of a severe thunderstorm, tornado, severe snow storm, nuclear attack, and ground attack.
In other news, the colony of balsam, which has been re-taken by Kazekistan, will now be used to import food to Kazekistan. Bread, dairy, and vegetables, are being produced and sold
there, and will help grow Kazekistan's economy.
Thank you for reading Kazekistan today. THE VOICE OF TRUTH. Next time we will discuss
plans for Balsam.
Shortly after president Johnson's speech this week. Revolutionary leader, Kirianna McNerny was apprehended and detained by The KSFU. President Johnson will be speaking on all Kazekistanese news network tomorrow to release new information to the public.
Next Monday and every Monday after that there will be a test for the new emergency alert system. This alert system will be used in the event of a severe thunderstorm, tornado, severe snow storm, nuclear attack, and ground attack.
In other news, the colony of balsam, which has been re-taken by Kazekistan, will now be used to import food to Kazekistan. Bread, dairy, and vegetables, are being produced and sold
there, and will help grow Kazekistan's economy.
Thank you for reading Kazekistan today. THE VOICE OF TRUTH. Next time we will discuss
plans for Balsam.
Broken on the floor
Crumpled in a ball
Tear stained cheeks
Hurt from the fall
Pained from the actions
Presented without care
Tortured by thoughts
Struck with a stare
Confused with the truth
Hurt by the lies
Now seeing the stone
In those green eyes
Torn from hatred
Patched with the numb
Though the feeling of nothing
Only fills some
Feeling scared
Yet somehow peace
The feeling of doubt
Will eventually cease
Falling to the abyss
Darkness and shame
Few will win
Though all play a game
Insecurities appear
Tearing apart
All that was left
Of this broken heart
The sun will shine
Struggling to seep through
Though after the darkness
Light will renew
Spreading out
Covering all grounds
Darkness will diminish
Though linger around
In the weakest times
Light fights its way through
Although just in a shadow
Darkness is ready too.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Religion and Other Human Eventions
What a selfish ideology, that out of all the animal species in the world humans, who are also animals, are more superior than others. This phenomenon is absolutely ridiculous, to believe that the human race has any more of an impact on earth than a simple fly does. More accurately we have demolished the planet more than any other species. The conclusion that I have pondered for quite some time now is that humans are dense creatures. They tend to hold themselves on a pedestal for creating fundamentally useless systems. We, being intelligent creatures, know that these systems are useless in the war of survival, but yet we seem not to care. I challenge you, reader, to find one useful aspect to survival in trigonometry. I grow weary of this way of thought; my mind is becoming an uninspired waste land molded by humans’ need for superiority. We are all ants on a tiny ant hill planet.
Ants are just ants, humans are just humans.
Ants are just ants, humans are just humans.
R.L. Jackson,
words to ponder
Safe house
Dark, cold, calm
It was my safe house
My home
I like it cold
It feels nice
It was always calm
But once I walk out
Screaming and yelling
Can be heard
I keep me head down
I can feel it through their look
I'm sorry
That's why
That's why my room is my safe house
My everything
I don't get judged
When I'm sitting on my bed
It's safe
Safe from everything
Safe from the world
Safe from you
It was my safe house
My home
I like it cold
It feels nice
It was always calm
But once I walk out
Screaming and yelling
Can be heard
I keep me head down
I can feel it through their look
I'm sorry
That's why
That's why my room is my safe house
My everything
I don't get judged
When I'm sitting on my bed
It's safe
Safe from everything
Safe from the world
Safe from you
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Power demanded of the people
The flame of hatred
Symbol of power
Symbol of war
Associated with evil
Yet meaningful
All that I hope to be
All that I hope not to be
A sunset
Warm campfires
Rosy cheeks on a cold winter day
A colour
My favorite colour
For Them, For Us
America, a symbol for hopeful immigrants. For us, it's a place where most people are discriminated. Where the rich bury the poor in the streets. Where saints sleep on the pavement. While devils sleep in cozy, white beds. Where terrible crimes are committed. Where terrible people thrive. This is not what they think of.
For them it's a place filled with green plains. For us it's place filled with money. For them it's a place they need. For us it's a place built on greed. For them it's a place where they can survive. For us it's a place where people make snide remarks. For them it's a place where they can rest. For us it's a place where some people can't be like the rest of us.
For them it's a place filled with green plains. For us it's place filled with money. For them it's a place they need. For us it's a place built on greed. For them it's a place where they can survive. For us it's a place where people make snide remarks. For them it's a place where they can rest. For us it's a place where some people can't be like the rest of us.
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